Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mayth Show and The Murky Origins of The Chop

We really had a tremendous time last Friday for my (Rob's) birthday at the Hemlock Tavern.
Everything about the evening was terrific.  Rob wore his birthday shirt and it was (as you might expect) quite appropriate.  This May 8th also marked the official 3rd anniversary of The Chop. Who can believe it's been 3 long years.......

(flashback sequence)

In truth, we toiled away for some 8 months leading up to that, primarily dealing with such relatively minor factors as 'no drummer', and 'no experience playing instruments' right up until April 2006 or so.  Around that time Phil moved to SF, we had our brief stint with drummer Gil (ahhh, Gil...) and once he left town we promptly asked Tom (another brand new California resident) to learn the drums from scratch.  Right at this point James quit the band for about 5 days and we had one practice without him which was also Tom's official first attempt at drumming.  As a four piece we played "Slippery People" "Demolition" and most likely "Taste of Luxury" and "Carry the Wood" and were feeling pretty good, I must say.
Then while out at the bar that weekend, James came back into fold and we came up with "The Chop" and all got behind it super fast, with James designing the logo hungover as all hell approximately 12 hours after the word 'chop' was first mentioned.  That monday (May 8th, 2006) we practiced for the for the first time as The Chop and the rest is (see below).

(end flashback sequence)

Here's some pictures before we head off northward tonight to play some more.  The last one's from last weekend at The Stork, but I really liked it and wanted an excuse to repost it.  I also videotaped the show (on Mayth) so perhaps you'll be seeing some of that soon.

I'll be taking as many pictures as humanly possible this weekend and will report back with numerous embarrassing stories about individual band members next week.

The Cake

The Band
The Attitude

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